A downloadable project

A tron clone written in Assembler, for DOS PC with CGA graphics.

This file won't be playable on modern computers. Use bochs or a PC emulator to run it.

This file is simply a fix of two old projects I made in the nineties.

CSEMBL.BAS takes a pseudo-assembler file and assembles it using debug. It depends on MS-DOS flavour of debug.exe and could have trouble with FreeDOS debug.exe. This version fixes many bugs in the version publishen in my webpage.

TROFFV4.COM is the game itself. I simply added a delay function to make it playable in both old and new computers.

Included also are the four versions of tron/troff I mafe in the nineties.


troffv4.zip 82 kB

Install instructions

Decompress the file on a folder accesible from MS-DOS (maybe a folder shared between your modern computer and an emulator).

Type "troffv4.com" to run.

If you want to re-assemble, you'll need qbasic and debug.exe from ms-dos 5.0. Both files are included with ms-DOS 6 and windows 95/98/Me (for qbasic, look at the olddos folder). Qb64 could be a replacement for qbasic, but I'm unsure.

(If in freedos) 

callver 5.00

qbasic /run csembl

(On csembl) write out troffv4.txt and accept all suggestions.

Development log

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